Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Have An Addiction... To The Library

By Raysonho [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
I tweeted that line from the title the other day. Then, upon further consideration, I asked myself: am I truly addicted to the library?


I wondered then, what would be signs of a true library lending addiction. This is what I came up with:

Signs You Are Possibly Addicted to Library Lending
  • You know the book lending limits--and frequently exceed them.
  • You find yourself sitting in the library parking lot, finishing a book so you can return it and check out more.
  • Not only do you know the library staff, but they set books aside for you.
  • Your friends and family ask you directly about library hours and book borrowing policies because it's easier than calling the library.
  • You wore out your library card before it expired.
  • Library patrons mistake you for an employee because you assist in locating books and provide recommendations.
  • You're on a first-name basis with security/custodians/maintenance.
  • When in a bookstore, you give your library card to the cashier instead of money or your credit card. ("What, you have to pay for these?")
  • When someone mentions they never use the library, it hurts a little.

Did I miss anything? What signs or habits have you noticed that hint at an addiction to books, reading, or libraries in general?


  1. At one time, yes I was addicted to an actual brick and mortar library.

    Can we transfer that lust to read books to Ereaders instead?

    And I cannot fathom someone who says they don't or don't like reading. I was pretending to read by the age of 3 by making up my own stories to the pictures.
    CD Coffelt at Spirit Called

  2. I love my library (I'm there right now) and there's nothing that can replace the feeling of human interaction, assistance and recommendations. The last thing I want to do after sitting in front of a computer screen for 8-10 hours a day is sit in front of another screen for another two hours and read a "book".

    And I do the same thing at the bookstore, there's always that awkward pause when the cashier is waiting for me to pay him/her. I grudgingly hand them the $$ and then promise myself I'll get my books from the library from now on... but inevitably they'll have a book or two (or ten) that the library wont, so I go back and buy more! It stings my wallet a little but it keeps the economy growing so i feel better. Without brick & mortar stores our towns would be empty and our HS/college kids would be unemployed. Plus I'd have no one to talk to ;-P

  3. I'm right there with you! I'm there every week getting books that I have on hold. I'm currently waiting for 25 different titles. Ha!

    1. Wow! I have a saved wish list on my library's site with probably 40 books and audiobooks on it.

  4. I have an elaborate system to determine which books I put on hold to pick up ASAP vs which ones I suspend to put on hold later. It's sort of disgusting.

    I love the library.

  5. Hi Stephanie,
    I used to be addicted to the library. But then came a sinister little invention called the Kindle. Oh boy, that messed me up. It's too easy, and now I find myself buying books before I've even realized it. One little click and...oops.
    I've got to get back to the library, or I'm going to end up on the streets. :)

    1. Your library most likely has kindle e-book lending--mine does! I have a Nook e-reader, but ever since the Kindle adapted for e-book lending from libraries, I've found my library has a more efficient tool for finding e-books and better instructions on how to download materials, since more people are using. This past week, I read a harcover, an e-book, listened to an audio book, and watched a TV series all lended from the library. :)

      The only bummer is that there are a few books I read from the library I wish I owned so I could read again or lend to a friend.

  6. I used to be SOOO addicted to the library, then I moved and got a Kindle. But the library is way cheaper, I need to get that addiction back. It's a great one to have!

  7. I'm super addicted to the library. I'll add another symptom to your list: You may be addicted if you know where every library in your county is located. I check what's on the shelf online, and then decide which library to go to :)

  8. Love this. I need to spend more time at the library, but I finally find myself able to buy the books I want, so I've been buying. :)

  9. I am totally addicted to reading. Sometimes the minute I finish a book, I walk over and pull another off my shelf (although I might take an hour before I crack it open). I'll read anything--cereal boxes, medical literature, this insane, rambling political chapbook that was sent to everyone in my zip code once (Okay--I didn't finish that one!).


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