Monday, June 16, 2014

Ready. Set. Write! #2

Ready. Set. Write is a summer writing accountability blog hop set up by  Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller,Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. Every Monday post an update and link your check-in post to one of those blogs.

Goals from last week:
  • Incorporate feedback from my Margie Lawson course on first chapters CHECK
  • Prep a chapter submission for my critique group CHECK--And read critiques
  • Work on a revision outline for another project-CHECK!*
Success! I put an asterisk next to the revision outline because while I did complete this, I still feel stuck on how to go about a revision. I made the baby step but I'm hesitant how to approach it.

Goals for this week:
  • Tackle the middle chapters of my WIP and craft a new scene that pulls new elements together
  • Work in feedback from critique group
  • Potentially join a Savvy Authors plotting workshop to prep for Camp Nano/Savvy Authors bootcamp in July to fast draft a new novel (which is one of my summer goals, to either work on something new or revise an older project). So many decisions!
  • Start reading The Truth About Alice for this week's Fierce Reads author tour on Friday

Biggest Challenge Faced This Week
Deciding how to fix plot issues. There is no one right answer, and every change has a domino effect.

Please check out the other blogs if you're participating. Otherwise, happy writing and reading this week!


  1. Those middle chapters can be stubborn! So good luck with that goal this week.

    As for revisions, everyone has to find their own way, but I like to start with the biggest and hardest. The one that will cause the most ripple effects in the rest of your story, and maybe the one that you really, really don't want to deal with right now. Then after that one's done, go to the next biggest. Then the next biggest. And then at the end, I like to focus on prose and voice because that's the funnest for me. Hope this gives you some ideas. You can do it! <3


    1. StephscoJune 16, 2014 at 12:53 PM

      Smart! I just saw this Ghenet post about James Scott Bell's revision plan, plus a revision pyramid, to start from the bottom up and revise in layers. The visual is really helpful:

  2. Yay for kicking butt on your goals last week, Steph! Good luck with tackling your (pesky, oh so pesky) middle chapters. :-)

  3. Love how you break your goals up into baby-steps--smart! Good luck meeting them this week :)

  4. Wow you have a lot of goals! I'm impressed! I'm just starting my first revision, so I hear you on being stuck with a revision. I bit the bullet and signed up for Holly Lisle's workshop because Susan Dennard recommended it and I think I need something that takes me step by step. So far it's a LOT of information, so I'm not applying everything, but I like it. Have a happy writing week!

  5. I hear you on the domino effect in revisions. I'm having that same issue myself! The whole picking-at-a-thread-and-it-all-unravels thing is so, so true. Maybe this is why I've been stuck in revisions forever. And why I'm working on another story at the same time. Here's hoping we both have a productive week! :D

  6. The Truth About Alice is high up on my TBR - lucky you! And what a great week you had! I hope you have another super productive week!

  7. You're juggling a lot of edits and sections. Plot holes can make you crazy because you have to go back and find everything affected by the changes.

  8. I know how you feel about major plot decisions having such a big effect. Most of my revision process involves fixing inconsistencies caused by changing a minor plot element! Hope you have another successful week! :)

  9. Nice work on your goals this week! I can be tough to figure out how to tackle a revision - I'm experiencing that now, which is why the revision pyramid helps. I'm glad to hear you like the concept - I hope it helps! Good luck this week.

  10. Yay for success!

    I got stuck with that whole domino effect thing this past week, too - I'd change a scene and jot down notes for the next few chapters and then I'd go back and change it all again.

    Good luck with the middle chapters!

  11. Fixing plot issues is one of the fun parts of our jobs, right? It's sometimes painful but worth it in the end! You're doing a great job at meeting all your goals. Keep up the good work!

  12. Great job on your goals last week! And good luck this week. :) The Truth About Alice sounds really interesting. I'm going to have to add that to my to-read list.

    You'll be participating in Camp NaNo next month? I've been planning to participate, too. I just need to decide what to do for it.


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